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This picture looks better than 38.75% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.49
This picture has been rated : 204 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.07
More Info
umm i got a 75L [20G] aquaone tank seris AR 510 its pritty small but big on the other hand its a nice starter tank give some free promo for auqaone good tank has the basic set up for any type of tank your going for from tropical to garden to marina BUY AUQAONE .. and they look nice haha
go slow i tired rushing things it just bcomes a waste of money and ull have to start again GO SLOW
Fish Kept:
guppies mollies platies swordtails tetra's did i miss anythgin out?
umm i dont really know their names
Tank Size:
20 gallons
hello matye how are ya
About Yourself:
hi everyone just a guy with his first tank hope you all like it