Photo #1 - 80g With Dead Corals But Loads Of Live Rocks Coll...

80 gallons saltwater fish tank (mostly fish, little/no live coral) - 80G with dead corals but loads of live rocks collected by hand from the nearby ocean... 700W of CFL 6500K. 4G Canister filter with activated carbon & seachem mix, protein skimmer, UV sterilizer, 2 Power filters (4000 l/ph). That's about it.
80G with dead corals but loads of live rocks collected by hand from the nearby ocean... 700W of CFL 6500K. 4G Canister filter with activated carbon & seachem mix, protein skimmer, UV sterilizer, 2 Power filters (4000 l/ph). That's about it.
Submitted By: Akila Ganegoda on
Photo Caption: 80G with dead corals but loads of live rocks collected by hand from the nearby ocean... 700W of CFL 6500K. 4G Canister filter with activated carbon & seachem mix, protein skimmer, UV sterilizer, 2 Power filters (4000 l/ph). That's about it.

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Ranked #52 out of 575 saltwater fish tanks pictures worldwide
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The Average Score for this category is: 3.33

More Info

Country: Sri Lanka
Description: 80G with dead corals but loads of live rocks collected by hand from the nearby ocean... 700W of CFL 6500K. 4G Canister filter with activated carbon & seachem mix, protein skimmer, UV sterilizer, 2 Power filters (4000 l/ph). That’s about it.
Advice: Vigilance....
Fish Kept: Clown Triggerfish, Emperor Angel, 2 Clakii Clowns, 2 Domino Damsels
Corals/Plants: None... :(
Tank Size: 80 gallons
Quote: Be a vegetarian if you can...!
About Yourself: I've always been an animal lover... so thought of setting up an amazing marine tank...


can i contact u bro .. im also from srilanka. wanna get some idea from u fish avatar
Great looking coral... very nice set up... Love it! fish avatar
Woo go veggie! :D Absolutely stunning tank, how much money have you spent on it? fish avatar
how beautiful this is. you've done a great job and i love the shape, beats the mundane same old rocks stacked up the back! :) fish avatar
I'll post some pictures a.s.a.p. This tank has been going on for about two years. I specially ordered the white sand from the LFS. it is not a live sand its specially made for saltwater tanks here in Sri Lanka. I don't use a background because the details of the fish are much visible when the background is black. fish avatar
Please post more pictures! Also, how long has your tank been set up? fish avatar
how do you keep your sand so white and why do you not have a background? fish avatar
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