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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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Currently housing 22 juvenile african cichlids from .75" to 1.5". Using a dual 48" flour. fixture (HomeDepot special) with a PowerGlo and MarineGlo. I have a Marineland Emperor 400 and an EHIEM 2226 canister. The tank is kept at 76.5*F using a 350W EHEIM heater. The substrate is crushed coral to help keep the pH steady (so far so good) and adds contrast to the dark lava rock. Added a Koralia 750 to give some flow down the centre of the tank (hidden in the lava rock), fish LOVE it!
Don't spend tons at your LFS on things like lighting, check out places like HomeDepot or Lowes, you may be surprised at how much you can save!!
Fish Kept:
African Cichlids
No plants, yet...
Tank Size:
90 gallons