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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
I, have a 125gallon fresh water fish tank with 14hybridpiranhas i have 2 marineland penguinm 90 gal. filters powering it cause everyone no's how messy piranhas can be..
I, have very large piece's of driff wood. lots of hiding places. My hybrids are mix black piranha and red belly mother being the black piranha and red belly being the father. My 125 gallon is a marineland and the lighting to same . My,220 gallon is the same except my 125gal is black and my 220gal is brown but i love them both are brand new..
Fish Kept:
14 hybridpiranhas already mix with black piranha and red belly will be crossing them with a ruby red piranha this time.
Plants 1 huge amazon sword but wil be getting about 2 to3 more there beautiful plants.
Tank Size:
125 gallons
practice makes perfect.
About Yourself:
well fresh water tanks are my life breeding and keeping that type of genaration going forever is my goal im very much into cross breeding but only piranhas with other diffrent piranhas. I, amazon tanks if there done right there beautiful.