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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United Kingdom
my tank is 75 gallon fresh water tropical comunity aquarium that i have owned for about 3 years
always make sure all electrical items that you intened to put in your tank are earthed. as i found out the hard way that not doing this can have disasterous conciquences.
Fish Kept:
i dont have many fish at the moment as about 6 months ago one of my rio power heads malfunctioned and electrocuted all my fish i was not to happy as i had about 70 fish in the tank at the time. i now have 2 sail fin pleco's 1 at 10" andf one at 5" 1 clown loach 12 tiger barbs 3 green tiger barbs 4 pearl danios 1 silver/bala shark and 1 albino rainbow shark.
hygrophila difformis, ludwiga repens, camoba carolina,egeria densa, sagittaria graminea. and a few others im not sure the names of.
Tank Size:
75 gallons
if it aint broke dont fix it