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United States
60-gallon Marineland aquarium (48Lx24.5Hx13.5W) with all-glass hood; 2 Fluval AquaClear 70 (300gph) power filters running one 11x23 undergravel filter each; 2 AquaTech 170gph power heads for additional circulation; 1 300w Eheim Jager heater; 1 glass thermometer; 2 48in National Geographic Deluxe Programmable 3-bar LED lights with daylight and moonlight (and combined) functions; assorted plastic and silk plants; riverbed gravel; assorted driftwood; assorted rocks.
Do your homework (read every aquarium site and forum you can find), get a good test kit (API master test kits are excellent), don't panic when your water clouds up when you first set up your tank, even when clarifiers won't get rid of it (this is just bacterial bloom, and it'll clear up on its own as the tank gets established), keep up on your water changes and gravel vacuuming, don't overstock, don't overfeed, don't over-treat with chemicals, and, most importantly, don't over-fuss. It's easy to take care of your tank and your fish as long as you approach it as being nothing more than a series of very simple steps that, if you follow them, will just work out.
Fish Kept:
Fire Red Dwarf Gourami, Gold Panda Lyretail Mollies, Red Tuxedo Guppiess, Zebra Danios, Neon Black Tetras, Rainbow Fish, Hillstream Loach, Platty, Bolivian Rams, Bloodfin Tetras, Black Angelfish, Gold Gourami
None (except artificial plants)
Tank Size:
60 gallons
About Yourself:
A photographer and graphic designer by trade, I've long enjoyed taking care of an aquarium, because it's a lot like working in a darkroom. There's chemistry and method and skill involved, but it's very relaxing, and when you see the results of your work, there's a sense of accomplishment, pride and even peace.
I prefer a natural-looking environment in my aquarium, though I do also prefer artificial plants, because planted aquariums are a bit more work than I have time for (much like saltwater/reef aquariums).
Video of my aquarium can be seen at: http://youtu.be/iVifqpdDWb0
When the sun sets and the moon rises, the reef doesn't go silent - a whole new group of inhabitants comes out to play.