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This picture looks better than 80.65% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.94
This picture has been rated : 65 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 2.47
More Info
New Zealand
Aquarium Profile:
Main Tank:
2.4 x .850 x 720
approximately 1500 Litres
Sump Tanks:
1.20 x .50 x .400
approximately 500 Litres
3 year old tank
Protein skimmer.. Deltec AP1004
Calcium Reactor.. aquacare
Computer system.. IKS
Main Pump .. Deltec 5250, 6000L
Top up.. Tunze Osmolator, IKS dosing pump
Water Flow .. Tunze Streams, 4 x 6100(12000L) 1 x 6200 (20000L)
Nitrate Reactor.. Natureef
Phostphate removal .. Salifert Phostphate Killer
Temperature: 25 - 27°C (IKS Computer)
pH: 7.80 - 8.10 (IKS Computer)
Specific gravity: 1.025 (Refractometer)
Calcium: 400 mg/l (Salifert test kit)
Magnesium 1300 ppm (Salifert test kit)
dKH: 8.5 (Salifert test kit)
Nitrate: 2ppm (Salifert test kit)
Phostphate: .20ppm (Hannah Photometer)
Redox 450
4 x 400 watts Coralvue 14K single-ended metal halide bulbs
8 x 54 watts T5s (osram blue 67)
Buy the best equipment, so much money is wasted by always upgrading.
Fish Kept:
Fish: Main Tank
1 Leopard wrasse 5 Yellow Tang
1 Bartlett Anthias
Morish idol
2 Squampinis Anthias 1 Flame angel
2 Blue-green Chromis 1 Bellus angel
3 Scooter blenny 1 Psychedelic mandarinfish
1 Cleaner wrasse 1 Regal angel
2 maroon Clowns 1 banggai cardinal
Fish: Sump
7 Banggai Cardinals 1 Mystery wrasse
1 Majestic Angel 1 Yellow Tang
Hard Corals
Red Stylophora ,Red Pocillopora
Alveopora ,Euphyllia,Tubinaria
Gonipora, Catalaphyllia,Cynaria
Red Seriatopora , Hydrophora
Various Acropora
Various Millepora
Montipora digitata
Montipora confusa
Montipora capricornis
Soft Corals
Blue coral
Yellow leather
Finger leathers
Tank Size:
500 gallons