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i have a 20 gallon 80 cm tank. florescent lighting, jepo mechanical filter and a heater. live plants and i've got a good community tank going on! i have 15 breeds. 4 types of gourami fish, red fin shraks, guppy, molly, cory catfish, some sort of eel catfish"forgot the name", two redcap golfish aobut 5 cm long. albino shraks, sailfin catfish, butterfly cichlids, you name it!
invest in your fish. make sure you spend some time everyday to watch your fish thoroughly for signs of illness and stress. water temp must be kept at a static temp. check for amonia and nitrates all the time. get real plants and not those stupid plastic ones! provide hiding spaces for your fish at all times! a little jug might be good! give them a healthy diet and dont give them the same food all the time! buy some brine shrimp of freeze dried blood worms and give them as treats. if you have bottom feeders get sinking foods.
Fish Kept:
Silver barb (2 inches) 7 of them!
Red Fin Shark: 3, 2 blacks and one albino
RedCap Goldfish: 2 young ones
Cory Catfish : 2
Blue shrak : 1
Albino Blue Shrak : 1
Fancy guppy : 5, 2 leopards and 3 fantails
Colored Tetra : 2, blue and pink
Pearl Gourami : 3 "got neony flare going on!"
Dwarf Gourami : 1
3 Spotted Blue gourami : 1 big one!4 inches
Sailfin Molly : 3, 1 male & 2 females
Molly : 3
SailFin Catfish : 3
Butterfly Cichlid : 2
can't remember their names for the life of me!
Tank Size:
20 gallons
About Yourself:
i love fish! they are peaceful and friendly at times! keeping fish is a great hobby is you want to destress!