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The Average Score for this category is: 5.59
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United States
24 gallon nano, 70 watt light pod, built in fitration-pretty simple. This is the big sister tank to my 12 gallon nano. They are both live coral and fish aquariums.
Nano is simple and easy to maintain, my aquariums have done well over the last 2 yrs. I find the most trouble with fish but certain corals have been tough as well.
I find the most trouble with fish but certain corals have been tough as well. Just choose wisely and research your purchases before hand. Try and find a shop that you like and feel comfortable buying from. I hate shops that push items on you before even asking what you need.
Fish Kept:
24 gal-2 red eyed cardinals, and a lion fish (fire). Naserith snails, hermits, black crab, and cleaner shrimp.
12 gal-watchman goby, clownfish, pistol shrimp, hermits, and a cleaner shrimp.
24 gal- 1monteypora, will update later
Tank Size:
24 gallons
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