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This picture looks better than 64.63% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.71
This picture has been rated : 14 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
Fluvel 304 filtration, basic lighting with pink bulb, very little aquarium gravel with terranium wood/rocks from the pet store and fake dollar store plants.
Salt and Water Changes (even with a good filter system)! Add salt every water change and when adding new fish... I do not even use store bought chemicals for water conditioning and my fish are very healthy and recover fast from nips on their fins.
Fish Kept:
African cichlids (an all-male tank of mbuna & peacocks)
All fake, plastic and silk.
Tank Size:
120 gallons
keep it simple
About Yourself:
business owner who likes to relax and watch my fish instead of tv,lol