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This picture looks better than 15.23% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.28
This picture has been rated : 25 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
United Kingdom
slate placed to create caves and hollows for fish to hide / swim in and out of. . . . .
take your time setting up your tank!!!
Fish Kept:
cichilds - 1 Geophagus, 1 Jag, 1 Green Sevrum, 1 Rainbow, 1 Kribensis, 1 Bolivian rams, 3x Siamese Flying Fox, 1 common pleco, 1 Lima Shovel nose catfish, 1 Malawi cichlids, 3x Synodontis Catfish, 1 Bumblebee catfish, 1 Texas.
Tank Size:
92 gallons
About Yourself:
21 year old student in Cambridge, live in a flat with two blokes who together we have 6 fishtanks! started off with a 90 ltr corner tank and now have a 350 ltr monster, it is addictive!!!