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The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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United States
120 gallons with custom work. See the before and after pictures. I sealed off the corners of the tank with plexy glass. I placed filtration tubing, heaters, and pumps between the wall of the tank and the plexy. I drilled ports in the plexy to run the filtration tubing and then built the rock background on the plexy to hide the equipment from view. I am using a Marineland C-360 and 220.. It has been a 2 month project, but has been well worth it.
I have this tank and a few other smaller tanks. I recommend beggining with an Eclipse system and reading Freshwater or Saltwater Tanks for Dummies. The Eclipse system comes with everything you need. Make sure you have time for the hobby.
Fish Kept:
Mono Sebae, Russell's Lion, Stonefish, Powder Brown Tang, Spiney Box Puffer, Columbian Shark (catfish).
Fake Plants
Tank Size:
120 gallons
"America is another name for opportunity. Our whole history appears like a last effort of divine providence on behalf of the human race." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
About Yourself:
Just had the itch one day and bought a few Bettas and kept going from there. I have an interest in saltwater tanks, however my pocket book does not currently share the same interest. I just aquired a 120 gallon tank and am in the process of setting it up for saltwater