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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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130 gallon freshwater tank. Two florescent bulbs.
two bio sponge filters. One water heater. one homemade air stone. one digital thermometer. one
glass thermometer.
Whatever you do, youre goin to lose fish. so dont get disheartened. and always double check when keeping different species of fish together
Fish Kept:
2 electric blue lobsters, 2 red lobsters, 6 glass shrimp, 2 tiger stingrays,2 green paradise fish, 2 albino paradise fish, 4 bat fish, 4 rainbow fish, 2 black red tail sharks, 2 albino red tail sharks, 3 dwarf gouramis, 2 clown loaches.
Plastic plants, Rocks, Wood pieces
Tank Size:
130 gallons
About Yourself:
im a student heading for florida to start my culinary arts course. I started with one goldfish in a fishbowl and moved on from there. now i have 3 tanks. another with senegalese catfish, turtles and parrot fish and another is a breeding tank for shrimp but my pride is my 130 gallon. its extremely addictive. i enjoy waking up in the morning to see my batfish all at the front staring and following me from one end to the other. its just great