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New York
United States
90 Gallon Oceanic Tech Tank (48 X 18 X 25) with two 1" drains, two 3/4" returns, and an open top euro brace. Oceanic Oak Wood Stand. Coralife Aqualite Pro with two Phoenix 14K 150W Metal Halide bulbs, two Coralife 96W Actinic Power Compacts, and 4 X 1W Blue Moon LED Lights. Dual Ecotech Vortech MP 40's on each side. Trigger Systems Custom Sump Refugium. AquaC EV240 Protein Skimmer with Mag Drive 18 return pump. 1/4 HP Arctica Chiller with a Mag Drive 7 Pump. Main display contains a 4" deep sand bed by Natures Ocean. 90 pounds live rock.
The bigger and longer the tank the better. Good water flow and a opened aquascape is a must in order to eliminate dead spots. A deep sand bed (minimum 4"), good quality live rock, powerfull skimmer, and a properly set up refugium with Macro Algae can help keep nitrates at 0 PPM, and water changes to a minimum. Read all marine keeping books, especially "The Reef Aquarium" Vol 1, 2, and 3. Last but not least, Dont shy away from this hobby on the first signs of trouble. Marine aquarium keeping gets easier and easier as the tank matures. If trouble arises, internet forums can be of great help when questions need answering.
Fish Kept:
Mated Pair of Snowflake Clown Fish, Yellow Tang, Royal Gramma, Flame Angel and a Rose Bubble Tip Anemone.
Various SPS, LPS, and Soft Corals.
Tank Size:
90 gallons
What we do in life, echoes in eternity.
About Yourself:
Bit by the saltwater bug!