Photo #1 - A.r.s - Silver Daler Escatt - Unknown

100 gallons saltwater fish tank (mostly fish, little/no live coral) - A.R.S
Submitted By: Ali Reza Safari on
Photo Caption: A.R.S

Rank Info

Ranked #86 out of 575 saltwater fish tanks pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 85.04% of pictures in this category
10 1
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.51
This picture has been rated : 144 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 3.33

More Info

Country: Iran
Description: 10 Fishes Live in Tank
Fish Kept: Silver Daler Escatt
Corals/Plants: Unknown
Tank Size: 100 gallons


YOU WISH! fish avatar
This tank is actually real. Its just not the persons who put it up. Its from the indoor Aquarium in the Dubai mall, Dubai UAE, i have seen it and its very impressive. I believe the world largest indoor aquarium. Also the front viewing panel is the largest single cast piece of clear acrylic in the world. at over 32 meters long, 8 meters high and 2 meters it and read about it, its magnificent, 10 million litres, 33000 aquatic animlas... fish avatar
looking at this again, i dont know if it's real. could one solid piece of glass this large(or whatever it is - bulletproof acrylic?) actually hold back that amount of pressure without having some sort of reinforcement?? i dunno. fish avatar
this is actually a 100 gallon tank, the man standing in from of it is actually a very incredible small umpa lumpa its also built inside a dolls house to add to the realism fish avatar
It's true, it is his. He is actually an international super villain. My mate James Bond told me so. fish avatar
this is called rate my fish tank. not rate my fake pic of somthing thats not mine fish avatar
thats an amazing tank or window into the ocean. i dont care who posted it, its cool. im not going to rate this. fish avatar
Not a fair comparison to match normal people up against an aquarium. And when they build aquariums like this, it's usually right by the sea. An example is the new one in Okinawa(sp?) It draws water in directly from the Ocean. And it's obviously not their tank, they said 10 fish in the tank and you can easily see way more than 10. fish avatar
I think it's a drawing, not an actual picture. fish avatar
this shouldn't even be aloud on this site there is no way that this is a privately owned tank fish avatar
check out my tank fish avatar
who evers picture this is, is a fag sorry buddy but we all know its not yours... fish avatar
haha, when they do a water change do they just pump in water from the sea? jk fish avatar
I hate when people put up fake tank pics and claim them as their own. Someone did alot of work on this and Im sure they wouldnt want someone else taking the credit. fish avatar
wow....i have a 55 gallon tank and to think if i just saved a few more dollars this is what a 100 gallon tank looks wonder if the 8 foot shark would have fit in my tank when it was only 4 feet long? hmmmmmmm fish avatar
clearly its a tank from a zoo or something, aquarium I dont know. Just dont think it's really his tank fish avatar
h8 2 do a water change on that tank!!!! fish avatar


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