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The Average Score for this category is: 7.13
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United States
Tank: Marineland 20G long fishtank
Lighting: Perfecto hood with flourescent lighting, 12hrs on/12 hrs off
Filtration: Aquaclear 50 H.O.T (hang on tank) filter
Heater: Marinleland 100W heater
Substrate: 40 lbs Carib Sea Ecco-Complete Live Freshwater African Cichlid Sand
Decor: 30 lbs Texas Holy Rock,
Around 18 "breeding/habitat" shells
Feeding: New Life Spectrum Cichlid Formula, 1mm sinking pellets, small feedings 3-4 times daily.
After falling in love with the Lamprologus stappersi (pearly occellatus) while browsing a cichlid forum profile database, I decided to set up a tank dedicated solely to these small Lake Tanganyika shell dwelling species. Although not the prettiest of fishes, when compared to other cichlids I chose them based on their "aggressive" looking stature, excavating lifestyle, and somewhat uniqueness to the hobby. The tank has been up and running since October of 2009, I started with 6 fish shipped from Dave's Rare Aquarium Fish of Texas, although 1 did not survive the the trip the other 5 have not only thrived, but have gone on to produce several batches of fry, I currently have 8 fish in this tank. I would recommend this species to anyone who would like to keep a smaller "species" only tank as they can be quite aggressive when it comes to defending thier territories.
Research, Patience, Cleanliness.
Fish Kept:
8 Lamprologus stappersi (pearly ocellatus)
2 small Anubias
1 bunch Java fern
Tank Size:
20 gallons
"Love many, trust few...always paddle your own canoe!"
About Yourself:
I am a 33 year old male from Southern Indiana, I live with my wife, our 4 cats, and 3 fish tanks. I do machining work for a living