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This picture looks better than 42.04% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.59
This picture has been rated : 127 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
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United States
4ft long
1.5ft tall
1ft depth
I like to use small gravel. but it depends on the fish you have. i always put taller plants to the side and back of my tank.also i never get so many different types of fish. stick with less than five but i get big groups depending on the size. also i always have something to eat the algea in my tank big or small.
start small then go big. always have something to clean the algea in your tank. never get cheap decorations always try to make your tank look natural. instead, use plants (not fake), rocks and driftwood. also dont keep a bunch of different fish keep big groups of the same kind depending on the size of the fish.
Fish Kept:
6 angels
2 dwarf gorami
20 minor tetra
2 chinese algea eaters
9 water sprite
7 cryptocoryne
4 dwarf baby tears
3 slender leafed amazon
3 java ferns
Tank Size:
55 gallons
About Yourself:
i got into fish tanks as a kid. my fist tank was a 10 gallon with 5 fish in it to day i still have 3 of those fish.its been a great hobby through the years. 4 in all. so far ive gotten one of my friends to start a tank too. Its one of the best hobbies i have.