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This picture looks better than 73.79% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5
This picture has been rated : 14 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
United States
-6ft long 24 high and 18 deep (visio)
-corallife 48inch T5 plant lighting.
-30gallon sump w/CPR overflow box, Rio 26HF pump @ 1590gph.
-25 watt aqua UV Sterilizer.
Let your tank cycle, cycle and cycle before adding high priced fish, and keep up on water changes ( 25% every week). feed high quality food (no live foods) your fishes will love you for it.
Fish Kept:
2-breeding angles, 1koi/1marble (cichlid)
2-heros severum, 1gold/1green (cichlid)
2-geophagus jurupri (cichlid)
3-synodontis 2eupterus/decorus
4-keyhole cichlid
6-german blue ram cichlid
5-yoyo loach
1-black knife
3-common placo
1-albino placo
1-yellow marlbro discus
1-blue snakeskin discus
1-alge eater
1-albino cory cat
1-sailfin molly
1-hillstream loach
amaizon sward
java fern
red talanthera
Tank Size:
125 gallons