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The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
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United States
45 gallon. Whisper EX70 Filter ( does a really well job) Its minimal rating is for a 45 gallon so I'm getting lots of extra filtration. Marineland Stealth Submersible 200Watt heater. Basic lighting but hope to upgrade in the near future.
I'm still learnng, not offering any advice yet but willing to recieve.
Fish Kept:
Gold Gouramis,Blue gouramis, many Buenos Aries Tetras, and a rainbow "shark." Many people say that you should not mix gouramis, my gold and blue are getting along real well and showing no aggression towards each other at all. I think it's just the luck of the draw. The gold and blue gouramis are the same species, just different pigment codes. The "shark" can be a bit of a bastard at times but mostly leaves everyone alone.
Not any live ones but artificial ones.
Tank Size:
45 gallons