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The Average Score for this category is: 5.46
More Info
Tank size 60 inch x 28 inch x 24 inch, Bubble Magus Skimmer Curve 7, 2 unit Hydra Fluidized FR-30 Media Reactor, Mars LED, Zetlight Wave Maker WP40, Jebao Crossflow CP40
Everyday Aquarist
Fish Kept:
True Percula Clownfish, Blue Tang, Cleaner Wrasse, Copperband Butterflyfish, Yellow Wrasse, Yellowtail Damselfish, Green Reef Chromis, Orbicular Cardinal, Bluespotted Watchman Goby, Pictilis Anthias, Lyretail Anthias, Fire Goby, Neon Velvet Damsel, Yellow Tang, Sailfin Tang
Acropora, Green Galaxie, Brain, Plate, Zoanthid, Montipora, Birdnest, Yuma, Hairy Mushroom, Gonipora, Tube Worm, Green Clove,
Tank Size:
150 gallons
I need the sea because it teaches me #prayforthereef