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This picture looks better than 77.51% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.65
This picture has been rated : 99 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
More Info
South Africa
It takes 1hour to clean the tank, once a week to have a beautiful tank. Don't rush, learn your community fish, and don't be affraid to ask.
Fish Kept:
2 x corydoras
1 x plecostomus
2 x bleeding heart tetra
3 x cardinals
2 x black widow tetra
2 x goldern tetra
2 x black eye tertra
2 x red eye tetras
2 x neons
2 x german blue rams
1 x goldern ram
Live plants
Tank Size:
25 gallons
why does sea world have a seafood restaurant?? I'm half way though my fish burger and I realized, oh my God.... I could be eating a slow learner
About Yourself:
I'm only 20 and studing Psychology. My gf has 2 X 2 foot tanks the one with malawis in and the other with angel fish.The 3foot tank will be my biggest freshwater tank then ill move on to marine but still keep my other tanks. At the moment we have 4 tanks. I'm addicted I think:)