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This picture looks better than 95.69% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.53
This picture has been rated : 107 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United Kingdom
I have an Aqua One Regal 100, with an Aquis CF1200 external filter and twin interpet T5 lighting - one moon blue and one tri plus, The cave in the corner i built myself carving polystyrene and coating in cement. The cave hides the inlet pipe for the filter and a 300W Heater.
Be creative and give the fish an interesting environment to live in.
Fish Kept:
I have recently changed my setup from tropical fish to a variety malawi cichlids.
Trying out various plants to see which are best with cichlids.
Tank Size:
58 gallons