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This picture looks better than 84.88% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.89
This picture has been rated : 243 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
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Freshwater tank with silk plants.
Various Fish - Bala Shark, Silver dollar, Spotted dollar, Neon tetra, yellow platty, clown loachs, blue gourami & yellow gourami, black neon tetras, glowlight tetras and Black Phantom Tetras.
I am still fairly new to the hobby and love the advise that the seasoned hobbyists can give!
Fish Kept:
Bala Shark, Silver Dollar, Black Neon Tetra, Neon Tetra, Platy, Blue Gourami, Pearl Gourami, Glowlight Tetra, Black Phantom Tetra
Silk Artificial
Tank Size:
45 gallons