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This picture looks better than 72.61% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.64
This picture has been rated : 22 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 2.47
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United States
90 gallon Reef Tank, Ice cap 660 with 4-48 IN VHO's Plus 2-400 watt Metal halides not ran at the same time. 1/10 hp chiller, 30 gallon sump with custom built bio ball set up, big needle wheel protien skimmer, RO system with a float switch on sump to maintain water evaporation level, little giant external pump runs main system.
ceramic heater, 4 power heads
Study before you buy, Think of your set up like a eco system. You can't put everything you like in one tank.
Fish Kept:
Two percula clowns, on yellow tank, one watchman gobby, one lemon gobby, cardnal, neon cleaner, blood shrimp, coral banded shrimp, blue star, red star, sifter star, scarlet reef crabs, blue leg reef crabs, sally crab, turbos and astors, one giant caterpiller looking thing no idea where it came from.
varity of soft corals. mushrooms, polups, leather, pagoda, brains,
Tank Size:
90 gallons