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This picture looks better than 71.72% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.66
This picture has been rated : 174 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.91
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Filtration: commercial Ecosystem Pro 60
& 1 internal powerfilter.
1 aquaclear 70 powerhead.
2 actinic 30 watt fluro, 2 30 watt triphosfur whites (10000K) 1 150 watt 20000k metal halide, 1 300 watt aquaworld heater, 100kg of live rock.
Dont rush!
Fish Kept:
1 x yellow tang
1 x spotted hawk fish
1 x coral banded shrimp
decorater urchin
A variety of soft and hard corals inlcuding brain corals, acropora, elegance, button, soft tree and about 60 coralimorphs.
A variety of macro algae that has grown naturally out of the live rock.
Tank Size:
75 gallons
About Yourself: