Photo #3 - It's Feeding Time Again. They Will Feed Righ...

freshwater fish - labeotropheus fuelleborni - fuelleborni cichlid, marmalade stocking in 46 gallons tank - It's feeding time again. They will feed right off the top of the water.
freshwater fish - labidochromis caeruleus - electric yellow cichlid stocking in 46 gallons tank - The mean guy again.
It's feeding time again. They will feed right off the top of the water.
Submitted By: Cooper on
Photo Caption: It's feeding time again. They will feed right off the top of the water.

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freshwater fish - maylandia zebra - blueberry stocking in 46 gallons tank - Blue-Berry
freshwater fish - pseudotropheus estherae - red zebra cichlid stocking in 46 gallons tank - Approximately 3 1/2" long at this time & showing great color.
freshwater fish - labeotropheus fuelleborni - fuelleborni cichlid, marmalade stocking in 46 gallons tank - It's feeding time again. They will feed right off the top of the water.
freshwater fish - labidochromis caeruleus - electric yellow cichlid stocking in 46 gallons tank - The mean guy again.
freshwater fish - melanochromis auratus - auratus cichlid stocking in 46 gallons tank - The fish on the right is very aggressive.
freshwater fish - nimbochromis venustus - venustus cichlid stocking in 46 gallons tank - The Giraffe Cichlid.
freshwater fish - labidochromis caeruleus - electric yellow cichlid stocking in 46 gallons tank - Don't feed Cichlids high protein food!
freshwater fish - pseudotropheus crabro - bumblebee cichlid stocking in 46 gallons tank - The little Bumble Bee Cichlid.
freshwater fish - sciaenochromis ahli - electric blue cichlid stocking in 46 gallons tank - They love feeding time.
freshwater fish - labeotropheus fuelleborni - fuelleborni cichlid, marmalade stocking in 46 gallons tank - very aggressive breed of fish
freshwater fish - labidochromis caeruleus - electric yellow cichlid stocking in 46 gallons tank - The yellow guy is the bully of the tank. Just found out that these two are new parents! The dad is the Yellow guy.
freshwater fish - labidochromis sp. - hongi stocking in 46 gallons tank - Lots & lots of hiding places!
freshwater fish - labeotropheus fuelleborni - fuelleborni cichlid, marmalade stocking in 46 gallons tank - Their color is really starting to show!
46 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - 46 gallon bowfront Marineland tank ..

Rank Info

Ranked #2386 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 68.16% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 4.83
This picture has been rated : 18 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.13

More Info

State: Oregon
Country: United States
Description: 46 Gallon Bowfront "Marineland" Tank
Advice: Test your water weekly...
Fish Kept: African Cichlids
Corals/Plants: All fake plants ...
Tank Size: 46 gallons
Quote: Family First
About Yourself: I have 4 tanks set up! I am am fish addict! :)


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