Photo #6 - I Have Several Variations Of This Project, But Th...

Submitted By: George on
Photo Caption: I have several variations of this project, but this was the original success story. 2 of my tanks, one planted one not, connected by a bridge that runs above my desk. Many fish used it, and still do, even had a platy who gave birth while hanging out in the tube.

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fish tank picture - This 55 gal tank is connected by a bridge to another 55 gal planted tank. This tank is not planted, and built around the idea of vertical levels, all the decor is elevated by about 2 inches from the ground, creating plenty of cave like hiding spaces.
fish tank picture - Cats are excellent judges of algae growth in an aquarium. A trained house cat will report algae problems immediately so that you will clean the tank up, and the hunt may resume.
fish tank picture - This is the older version of the bridge, running from one tank over the desk to another. Warning to anyone who wants to do something like this- make sure your tanks and water levels are at even height.
fish tank picture - This was one of the smaller tanks, which was initially connected by an early form of the fish bridge to another 55 gal tank.
55 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - This tank is connected with a tube bridge to another non planted tank, size is 55 gal.
55 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - I have several variations of this project, but this was the original success story. 2 of my tanks, one planted one not, connected by a bridge that runs above my desk. Many fish used it, and still do, even had a platy who gave birth while hanging out in the tube.

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Ranked #2888 out of 5264 freshwater tanks pictures worldwide
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13

More Info

State: California
Country: United States
Description: Tanks connected to other tanks (35 gal, 55 gal, and 75 gal) this allows small fish to travel between tanks, some tanks planted some not.
Advice: Try DMT
Fish Kept: Neon Tetra Jumbo
Corals/Plants: Bunch of different things, names of which I do not know
Tank Size: 55 gallons
Quote: Did you see a sign outside my house that said dead...
About Yourself: I have been playing around with aquariums for 4 years now, and I operate on a very tight budget, so that reflects in my hobby at the moment.


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