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simple 15 gallon tank withl dolphin filter and a big air pump, no big deal. it's a rather small tank, but i live in a small apartment. decorations are all natural, just plants and drift wood I picked up myself.
goldfish are the closest thing you can get to a dog in the fish stores. they recognize you, greet you, never hide and live really long lives if well taken care of!
Fish Kept:
7 fancy goldfish, the oldest is only three years old, the youngest one isn't yet 9 months, so they are all rather small. 1 chocolate oranda, 1 red cap oranda and five plain but pretty fancy goldfish. also one big apple snail named gary.
the tank is full of plants now, it hasn't been easy considering goldfish voracity for salad. I have around five or six different species, i don't really know their names, but they are all pretty hardy!
Tank Size:
15 gallons
In this house we respect the laws of thermodinamics!