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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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Lake malawi setup P.H 8.2 Temp 79F marine glow lighting, Eheim external canister filter 2222, internal majic jet filter for airation and backup, jebo heater 100w, digital temp and sandstone rock features
Reaserch and get everthing right before adding fish far less drama's that way, just relax and make it look nice, and buy a good filter ASAP
Fish Kept:
2 (1M/1F) Venestus "malawi Cichlids", 1 Johanni "malawi cichlid", 3 Tiger Barbs, 1 Peaock "zebra", 1 "Yellow Lab", 1 rainbow "malwi cichlid"
Rocks and fake plants for a clear happy tank
Tank Size:
35 gallons
If you want somthing done do it yourself
About Yourself:
Hi love keeping fish this is my new setup runs very clean and well hope to expand one day to bigger and better