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This picture looks better than 25.01% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.61
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The Average Score for this category is: 6.29
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United States
28 Gallon freshwater aquarium with a variety of live and artificial plants. I use a simple Top Fin 30 filtration system with a bubble curtain across the back. I have 2 pieces of drift wood as well as earth tone gravel to recreate a pond or creek bottom look.
Be patient! Perfection takes time and rushing your aquarium will only bring disapointment. Do 10% water changes every week or so to maintain optimal levels.
Fish Kept:
Fan tail gold fish, Black skirt tetras,(used in Aquarium setup), Dalmation Mollies, Creamsickle Mollies, Sword fish, Algea Eater, Clown Loaches(to control snails) and a couple of Neon Tetras.
Variety of live plants. Green Myrio, Sag, Ambulia
Tank Size:
28 gallons
About Yourself:
As a kid I was always fascinated with fish aquariums. I am a professional firefighter so on my days off I like to take care of my aquarium.
When the sun sets and the moon rises, the reef doesn't go silent - a whole new group of inhabitants comes out to play.