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The Average Score for this category is: 4.11
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United States
48 inch smartlite. magnum 350 and hot magnum 250 filters. a 200w topfin heater and a 100w topfin heater. koralia powerhead. 2 airpumps.
i'm new to this as well. i've been reading books, magazines, and websites. and taking advice from friends who have some experience.
Fish Kept:
cichlids: 1 male lombardoi, 1 female lombardoi, 1 red cap itungi, 1 blue dolphin, 1 calvus yellow, 1 blue point south goby, 2 electric yellows, 1 firemouth, 1 green terror, 2 convicts, 1 frontosa, 1 red top gallireya and 1 firefish albino. also, 1 pleco. was gonna go all african, but i really like my green terror so i kept the other s. americans as well.
all real plants: java fern, hornwort, anacharis. i don't have to plant in substrate with these plants so they work with my cichlids. hornwort grows really fast so my tank's look is always changing. cut here, plant there. i like to plant them in the small holes on the lace rock. about 30 lbs of lace rock. 1 piece of mopani wood.
Tank Size:
90 gallons