Photo #1 - This Is My 10 Gallon Tank. Nothing Extremely Spe...

10 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - This is my 10 gallon tank. Nothing extremely special. I have tons of hiding spots because guppies get pregnant a lot and I usually lose several fry from being eaten, hopefully this time around they'll seek shelter first. I also have a liking for Clown Loaches which are shy, and so they need hiding as well. I recently took my Betta from her bowl and into the tank and also purchased a Clown Loach, it's working out great. Since then, I've also added two Tiger Barbs and am going to expriment with a Black Moor and see how that goes...but that was after this pic was taken.
This is my 10 gallon tank. Nothing extremely special. I have tons of hiding spots because guppies get pregnant a lot and I usually lose several fry from being eaten, hopefully this time around they'll seek shelter first. I also have a liking for Clown Loaches which are shy, and so they need hiding as well. I recently took my ...
Submitted By: Landon on
Photo Caption: This is my 10 gallon tank. Nothing extremely special. I have tons of hiding spots because guppies get pregnant a lot and I usually lose several fry from being eaten, hopefully this time around they'll seek shelter first. I also have a liking for Clown Loaches which are shy, and so they need hiding as well. I recently took my Betta from her bowl and into the tank and also purchased a Clown Loach, it's working out great. Since then, I've also added two Tiger Barbs and am going to expriment with a Black Moor and see how that goes...but that was after this pic was taken.

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More Info

State: Iowa
Country: United States
Description: 7 Guppies (raised from birth, now full size), 1 Pleco (algae eater) named Ralf, 3 snails, and a betta named Daisy (not pictured). I use Tetracare 10gallon kit, comes with hood, heater, and filter. I don't use undergravel filtration as it is much more of a hassle, easily clogs, and well, it just doesn't work well for me.
Advice: Just take your time. Don't rush to fill your tank with fish or decorations. While filling a tank with tons of decor may make it look beautiful and seem like they have tons of obstacles to swim around, in truth, many times a cluttered tank is stressful. Don't buy tons of fish all at once, introduce a few at a time, not only is it better on the habitat, it saves your wallet and you can figure out what fish is causing problems in the community. At the same time, take a few chances, don't be afraid to buy a beautiful fish just because many are known to be aggressive, if the tank is setup properly and you balance ample hiding and large spaces you can probably get away with putting in a fish species that tends to be aggressive, just monitor the tank for awhile until you fill comfortable that it won't attack.
Fish Kept: Have kept and bred several guppies and raised the fry from birth. Also have had Clown Loaches, Neon Tetras, Glowlight Tetras, Bettas, Mollies, Tiger Barbs, Gourami, Plecos, Crabs, and a few Snails. Many fish have been transported to my brothers tank, or of course, some have died through trial and error.
Corals/Plants: Just the plastics, it's enough for me to keep track and assist fish in their lives. I'm not prepared to work with live plants.
Tank Size: 10 gallons
Quote: Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard.
About Yourself: I enjoy Ford Mustangs and driving or racing (legal). I also play football and soccer. I always enjoyed aquariums, finding tropical fish and saltwater fish to be very beautiful. For awhile my mom didn't want me to have a fishtank, but one year during Christmas I opened up a 10 gallon tank. It was nothing big, but it was awesome and I still use it to this day. Fish have even taken over my previous hobby of cars, although that still has quite a bit of importance.


awesome color combo. yes ez on the eyes as RTMAN said! fish avatar
Thanks for the kind comment stangman. when i was setting up the tank, i decided to try to make a south american ultra tropical feel with my classic touch of overkill. by the way, i dig the bright colors of your tank, would look good in a room with a blacklight. fish avatar
very well done , easy on the eyes fish avatar
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