Photo #1 - My Tank 6months Later. This Picture Really Doesn&...

My tank 6months later. This picture really doesn't do it much justice! PLEASE BELIEVE ME.... IT LOOKS A HELL OF A LOT BETTER IN PERSON!
Submitted By: Monte on
Photo Caption: My tank 6months later. This picture really doesn't do it much justice! PLEASE BELIEVE ME.... IT LOOKS A HELL OF A LOT BETTER IN PERSON!

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75 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - My tank 6months later. This picture really doesn't do it much justice! PLEASE BELIEVE ME.... IT LOOKS A HELL OF A LOT BETTER IN PERSON!
fish tank picture - August 2010 another view. This picture really doesn't do it much justice! PLEASE BELIEVE ME.... IT LOOKS A HELL OF A LOT BETTER IN PERSON!
saltwater fish - acanthurus japonicus - powder brown tang stocking in 75 gallons tank - February 2010 New tank set-up Gold Rim Tang, Scopas Tang, Clown, Coral beauty, Sand Sifter Star fish.

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Ranked #899 out of 1595 reef tanks pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 43.64% of pictures in this category
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This picture has been rated : 146 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.89

More Info

State: Pennsylvania
Country: United States
Description: 75 gallon Tank, (1)-800 and (1)- 1200 gph power head, 9wt UV, 30 gallon sump w/ refugium, 7 mag return pump, ASM protein skimmer (good for 180 gallons) 300w heater +1 spare, 100+ pounds of live rock Fiji, 60 pounds of crushed coral substrate, 6 bulb T5 lighting, 1/10 hp chiller, and timers.
Advice: Start Slow... Read, Research, and Research again! Find a reliable source. Try not to reley to much on fish stores because (most, not all) only care about making money and will sell you things you don't need and over price for saltwater tank equipment. Ask lots of questions on this site. Please take your time! I have spent a lot of money on fish and half of them died because I did not let my tank cycle and mature properly (LACK OF KNOWLEDGE and PATIENCE.) Don't get discouraged and stay with it. This hobby can be very demanding; however, once you develop a system, it will get easier.
Fish Kept: 6 months ago, Coral beauty, Scopas tang, Gold Rim Tang, Clown, Cleaner shrimp, Blood Shrimp,2 engineer goby, Sand Sifter Star fish, 3 hermitt crabs, 3 snails. Now, 6 months later, Coral Beauty, Hippo Tang, Yellow Tang, Clarke Clown, Engineer Goby, Manderin, 2 cleaner shrimp, Blood Shrimp, Clam, Flame scallop, Hermitt crabs, emerald crabs, and snails.
Corals/Plants: 2 Rose Bubble Tip Anenomes, Toad Stool, Colt, Xenia, Hammer Coral, Trumpet Coral, feather duster, Wellsaphillia (open brain), Leathers, Mushrooms, Recordia, Polyps, Gorgonia (Yellow and Blue) Sun coral, and other corals which names I forgot!!
Tank Size: 75 gallons
Quote: May the best of your today's, be the worst of your tommorow's !! Stay Eternal
About Yourself: Salt water enthusiast new to the hobby, any advice will be greatly appriciated.


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