Photo #1 - This Is My First Tropical Tank With Glass Bloodfi...

19 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - This is my first tropical tank with glass bloodfin tetras, Cardinal tetras, Penguin Tetras, Gold zebra danios, baby bristlenose, 2 small snails and soon to get juli corys and freshwater angelfish
This is my first tropical tank with glass bloodfin tetras, Cardinal tetras, Penguin Tetras, Gold zebra danios, baby bristlenose, 2 small snails and soon to get juli corys and freshwater angelfish
Submitted By: Hayley on
Photo Caption: This is my first tropical tank with glass bloodfin tetras, Cardinal tetras, Penguin Tetras, Gold zebra danios, baby bristlenose, 2 small snails and soon to get juli corys and freshwater angelfish

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More Info

Country: New Zealand
Description: Dimentions: L=60cm W=50cm H=50cm Tank is an AR620
Advice: As a new fis hobbyist I know from experience that Your going to get alot of conflicting advice so choose a source with lots of experience and stick with it!
Fish Kept: Coldwater 4 Comet Goldfish Tropical Freshwater 6 Glass Bloodfin tetras 10 Cardinal Tetras 5 Penguin Tetras 5 Black Widow Tetras 5 Golden Zebra Danios 2 Bristlenose 1 Golden Bristlenose - soon 2 Juli corys 2 Freshwater Angelfish - soon 4 Male Guppies
Corals/Plants: 8 live plants of unknown type
Tank Size: 19 gallons
Quote: "Dogs come when they're called; cats take a message and get back to you later." - Mary Bly
About Yourself: My name is Hayley and I apsolutely love animals and plan to start a courier as a vet or zookeeper! At home I have 2 cats, 2 rabbits and all of hte fish stated except for the widows and guppies (and the ones I havent got yet). I got into fish keeping when all of my goldfish died and my parents said that instead of buying new goldfish they would buy a big aquarium and it would go in our lounge! When we got the tank I began researching all of the possible fish that would go with freshwater angels and what colour of angels I would want to get (I love the angels) So after my family and I got back from a holiday and my parents got back from yet another holiday we started buying fish and now nearly 3 months later I have 28 fish and will be getting more soon!!! I jined a nz fish club FNZAS and they have helped me heaps and now my fish are becoming an adiction and will continue to keep them as long as I can!!


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