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This picture looks better than 82.91% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.39
This picture has been rated : 51 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
South Africa
Tis is my mixed planted comunity tank. It's a Planted tank as well as a comunity fish tank. Ive got a lot of fish tipes in there ranging from plecos, livebearers, catfish,tetra's, labarinth, loaches ect. plant ranges from anuba's, amizons,ferns, and mosses.
large canister filter system used for 30+ gal tanks.
Start slow move slower! adding to much to fast is the highway to desaster.
Fish Kept:
Coridora's, bala shark, betta,black neon,cardinal tetra, neon tetra, glowlight tetra, phantom tetra, khuli loach, clown loach, blue botia, marble- & thai-goby.golden barbs, Rummy-nose,swordtail, molly, guppie, allmost my own petshop.
plant ranges from anuba's, amizons,ferns, and mosses.
Tank Size:
20 gallons
Do not be awe struck by other people and try to copy them. Nobody can be you as efficiently as you can.
About Yourself:
I am a computer technican, I love underwater life! so I bought a small tank, that tank doubbled, and the next tank was bigger tank and doubbled again. now I got 2x small 5 gal tanks and 2x 20 gal tanks.