Photo #6 - Our Current 50 Gallon Tank Setup (more Plants Tha...

Submitted By: Noah on
Photo Caption: our current 50 gallon tank setup (more plants than usual on the right because our female yellow cichlid is carrying her spawn and could use the hiding space.) the left side is unlit because of our black ghost who didn't like the lighting on the other side.

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50 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - smaller planted tank the wife made lots of tetras, some feeder shimp, a pleco, a spotted catfish (?), some orange ones i can't remember the name of, and a crown tail betta the grass has recently exploded, the java moss is expanding, java ferns are not so great
freshwater fish - betta splendens - crown tail betta stocking in 50 gallons tank - male crowntail betta
freshwater fish stocking in 50 gallons tank - one of the baby cichlids
freshwater fish - labidochromis caeruleus - electric yellow cichlid stocking in 50 gallons tank - male yellow cichlid
freshwater fish - gyrinocheilos aymonieri - chinese algae eater stocking in 50 gallons tank - chinese algae eater(L) and some sort of catfish (R) being really weird
50 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - our current 50 gallon tank setup (more plants than usual on the right because our female yellow cichlid is carrying her spawn and could use the hiding space.) the left side is unlit because of our black ghost who didn't like the lighting on the other side.

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Ranked #2527 out of 5264 freshwater tanks pictures worldwide
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13

More Info

State: Hawaii
Country: United States
Description: two 25 gallon tanks connected by two tubes (a custom[?] that had been @ the pet store forever i think), whisper filters, bubble screens
Advice: don't be afraid to spend your paycheck!
Fish Kept: 9 1/2" black ghost knife fish; tiger/green/orange/platinum barbs; 3 glass catfish; pleco; black/koi angelfish; spotted catfish; 2 (1 m/1 f) electric yellow chiclids; electric blue chiclid; gold/blue gouramis; 4 loaches; 2 random sucker fish (can't remember the names); 2 random blue fish (can't remember now..); 1 random catfish (can't remember either); and 1 badass yellow guppy
Corals/Plants: fake everything
Tank Size: 50 gallons
About Yourself: it all started with a tiny black ghost in a little 10 gallon tank


omg that is so cool, how did you get a tank like that? custom made? Did you make it? fish avatar
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