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The Average Score for this category is: 5.13
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United Kingdom
Primary tank:
2xFluval FX5 filters
1x2500lph power head for home made under gravel jetting system
3x80w 4' light tubes (whoops, different K values, that's why the left side is whiter than the right, better fix that)
3x300w caged heaters
Secondary tank:
2xEheim 400litre filters
2xDaylight tubes
2xPlant gro tubes
2x300w fluval tronic heaters
Start gradually.
Dont over crowd
Dont over feed
Big tanks are easier to manage.
Dont skimp on decor as it reduces aggression between species and reduces stress on scaredy fish coz they can hide up.
Many plants are very sensitive to water chemistry, persevere to find the right type.
And buy decent filters and heating systems
Fish Kept:
Various south american cichlids (dempsey, texas, brasiliensis, a few firemouths, cons)
Mbuna & Hemichromis variants
Bala sharks, black sharks, clown loach, other botia, ancistrus, pictus, synodontis, a dozen corys, danios and even a shoal of platies :)
A mad mixture of fish, but there's plenty of room and tank is stable and peaceful except at feed time.
Other (6ft) tank has guppies, platies, swordtails, corys, rams and a big ol' severum who's just celebrated his 8th birthday
Cryptocorynes, swords, anubias, vallus, canadian pondweed, water lettuce, dwarf water lillies.
For the bigger hericthys, fake plants are better although they don't like to eat java moss.
Tank Size:
400 gallons
About Yourself:
Used to breed koi when i was a kid

When the sun sets and the moon rises, the reef doesn't go silent - a whole new group of inhabitants comes out to play.