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This picture looks better than 76.06% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.1
This picture has been rated : 51 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.13
More Info
United Kingdom
400 litre with internal juwel filter and fluval 404, 200 litre internal filter, 4 ft with fluval 403, 70 litre with internal filter
Use your local aquatic shop for stock and advice and stay clear of large commercial superstore type shops with an abundance of bad advice and poor quality dead/dying stock.
Take your time and enjoy the hobby
Fish Kept:
400L tank with plecs, corries, angels, hatchet fish, pseudodoras niger, khulie loaches, plants n stuff.
200L tank with goldspot plec, hoplo cat, striped talking cat, 3 polypterus senegal, 1 blue accara.
4 ft tank with 1 mahoosive Oscar, common plec and 4 convicts.
70L with about 70 Bristlenose fry.
green ones and red ones and big leaves and small leaves and stuff
About Yourself:
I used to keep snakes but my son started walking and kept trying to get into the tanks, so the snakes went and i was left with tanks.
So they got filled with water and fish and stuff