Photo #3 - Main Tank: 225gl Starphire (60lx36wx24h) Euro-bra...

Main Tank: 225gl Starphire (60Lx36Wx24H) Euro-Braced Reef Tank Water Movement: TUNZE 6100 Stream, SEIO 1500, One Aquaclear 270 Powerhead Main Pump: Sequence DART Skimmer: Deltec AP851 Calcium Reactor: GEO Calcium Reactor Main Lighting: Two 250 watt Metal Halide housed in Lumenarc III Reflectors Bulbs: Two XM 10K 250 Watt SE - Three 140 watt VHO (Two Uri Actinic, One Actinic ...
Submitted By: Sonny on
Photo Caption: Main Tank: 225gl Starphire (60Lx36Wx24H) Euro-Braced Reef Tank Water Movement: TUNZE 6100 Stream, SEIO 1500, One Aquaclear 270 Powerhead Main Pump: Sequence DART Skimmer: Deltec AP851 Calcium Reactor: GEO Calcium Reactor Main Lighting: Two 250 watt Metal Halide housed in Lumenarc III Reflectors Bulbs: Two XM 10K 250 Watt SE - Three 140 watt VHO (Two Uri Actinic, One Actinic White) Ballasts: Two Hellolights ARO PRO Series Ballasts M58 Sump: 45gl sump, 4 cups of carbon changed every month. Small Refugium in sump. Top Off: Tank is topped off with Kalkwasser using a Deltec KM500 Kalk Stirrer Water Parameters: Calcium: ~ 400 PPM Alkalinity: ~ 7.5dKH Specific Gravity: ~1.026 pH: ~ 8.23 Temperature:~ 77.4 - 79.0 Nitrate: Undetectable Phosphate: Undetectable

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225 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - Main Tank: 225gl Starphire (60Lx36Wx24H) Euro-Braced Reef Tank Water Movement: TUNZE 6100 Stream, SEIO 1500, One Aquaclear 270 Powerhead Main Pump: Sequence DART Skimmer: Deltec AP851 Calcium Reactor: GEO Calcium Reactor Main Lighting: Two 250 watt Metal Halide housed in Lumenarc III Reflectors Bulbs: Two XM 10K 250 Watt SE - Three 140 watt VHO (Two Uri Actinic, One Actinic White) Ballasts: Two Hellolights ARO PRO Series Ballasts M58 Sump: 45gl sump, 4 cups of carbon changed every month. Small Refugium in sump. Top Off: Tank is topped off with Kalkwasser using a Deltec KM500 Kalk Stirrer Water Parameters: Calcium: ~ 400 PPM Alkalinity: ~ 7.5dKH Specific Gravity: ~1.026 pH: ~ 8.23 Temperature:~ 77.4 - 79.0 Nitrate: Undetectable Phosphate: Undetectable

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Ranked #21 out of 1595 reef tanks pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 98.68% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 7.16
This picture has been rated : 313 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.91

More Info

State: Michigan
Country: United States
Description: Main Tank: 225gl Starphire (60Lx36Wx24H) Euro-Braced Reef Tank Water Movement: TUNZE 6100 Stream, SEIO 1500, One Aquaclear 270 Powerhead Main Pump: Sequence DART Skimmer: Deltec AP851 Calcium Reactor: GEO Calcium Reactor Main Lighting: Two 250 watt Metal Halide housed in Lumenarc III Reflectors Bulbs: Two XM 10K 250 Watt SE - Three 140 watt VHO (Two Uri Actinic, One Actinic White) Ballasts: Two Hellolights ARO PRO Series Ballasts M58 Sump: 45gl sump, 4 cups of carbon changed every month. Small Refugium in sump. Top Off: Tank is topped off with Kalkwasser using a Deltec KM500 Kalk Stirrer Water Parameters: • Calcium: ~ 400 PPM • Alkalinity: ~ 7.5dKH • Specific Gravity: ~1.026 • pH: ~ 8.23 • Temperature:~ 77.4º - 79.0º • Nitrate: Undetectable • Phosphate: Undetectable
Advice: If I were to give anyone words of advice I would tell them to be patient, good things take time to develop. Too many people rush into things and fail to allow their aquariums to reach their full potential. Read as much as can, books and forums are great tools. This hobby has many great people ready and able to answer almost all questions thrown their way. So if you're unsure about anything please ask. Hopefully as the years pass this hobby will become more accessible; with new technologies developing rapidly it's an exciting time to be in this hobby.
Fish Kept: 1 Naso Tang 3 Yellow Tangs 1 Kole Tang 1 Blue Tang 1 Fox Face 1 Copperband Butterfly 4 Lyetrail Anthais (1 male, 3 female) 1 Blue Devil Damsel
Corals/Plants: Acropora: Pink millepora Lemon Lime millepora Multi-color millepora Blue tenuis Tricolor Valida Blue humilis Green Slimer Blue Slimer Purple Monster Becker Blue Tort Yellow Tort Blue tip Stag Purple Stag Sky Blue tipped aspera Purple and blue rubosta Teal Corallites nobilis Purple tip deswali Glowsticks and sapphire kimbesis Montipora: Orange capricornis Green capricornis Orange digitata Green digitata Purple digitata Barney purple encrusting Blue polyp encrusting Orange encrusting Green and orange polyp encrusting Other Corals: Pink pocillopora damicornis Green Pink pocillopora damicornis Green Star Polyps Zooanthids (assorted colonies and colors)
Tank Size: 225 gallons
Quote: none


A much more vibrant and a far greater range of corals then the cable mike tank currently at number 1 it is a travesty if this is not rated higher within the next few weeks the gods gonnads of Marine tanks. fish avatar
Amazing Tank! would love to have this little beauty. fish avatar
your tank is slicker then goose shit bro,i can imagine the chedder you got in it check mine out some time fish avatar
Possibly the best looking marine tank i've seen. fish avatar
Stunning tank mate you should be No. One!!! Keep up the good work and look forward to seeing more of your tank! fish avatar
Beautiful just Beautiful !!! fish avatar
great looking tank hopefuly mine will mature to be a work of art like yours great job. fish avatar
Amazing...very nice! fish avatar
Your webpage seems to be down. Do you have another address I can see more pictures in ? fish avatar
Beautiful Tank. Love every inch of it! fish avatar
If it ain't broke don't fix it! fish avatar
This is totally amazing! I have always loved the way that marine aquariums look, but I fear the deaths of $50 fish. I have only had freshwater aquariums, but seeing this aquarium makes me want to do saltwater. Maybe someday! fish avatar
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