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The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
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United States
100 gallons, two filters, two live plants, a castle, four rocks, with green, blue, yellow, and red rocks. The stand is homemade, when I got it I cleaned all up and restainded it a dark oak color. Not sure what kind of wood it is made out of. I have one big alge eater, five garomi's, one puffer and one angel fish, and six convict cichilds. Took six months to set up all together, first two months were nothing but cleaning it, it was stored in a storage unit for three years before I bought it. I had a some sharks but they ended up dieing on me, so Iam starting over again. I plan on getting more fish in the furture, just going slow.
Ask alot of questions if you dont know, if you keep failing, try again.
Fish Kept:
six convict cichilds, five gaurmi's, one spotted puffer, one angel fish, and one large pleco.
Two Live Plants, Not Sure What The Names Are, some rocks for hiding, and two fake plants, and a castle.
Tank Size:
100 gallons
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