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This picture looks better than 85.21% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 6.06
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The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
More Info
60in x 18in x 24in Planted tank.
Lighting - Coralife Retrofit Power Compact with 4 65w bulbs (260w)
Filtration - Fluval 304
CO2 - 5lb tank injected at 38mg/l
Fertalizers - EI method - Adding nitrates and photphates on alternate days, trace the other days.
Don't be afraid to try anything. The worst that will happen is that it doesn't work. Re-group, and try another way.
Fish Kept:
8 x rosey barbs,
1 x angelfish
3 x rainbows
2 x zebra danios
numerous platties
10 x black neon tetras
3 x ottos
1 x jullii cat
3 x SAE
1 x CAE
Amazon sword, Ludwiga repens, hydrocotyle verticulatta, anubias nana, Valiserna gigantea + spiralis, red tiger lotus, java moss, and a few others
Tank Size:
90 gallons
About Yourself:
Im 24, and have been keeping fish since I was 17. I have really only just started geting in to real plants in the past year, and it has quickly taken over my life!