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The Average Score for this category is: 4.89
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The tank is about 2 months old. The tank dimensions are 24x24x24. (A small tank) The lighting is a 1 x Mozoo all in, 1 x 150w metal halide with 14000k bulb and 2 x 18w actinic fluro tubes. The filteration for the tank was designed and made by my self, at the back of the tank there is an overflow that runs through a filter pad and passes through to the bio balls and past live rock all the levels are divides by plastic with small holes driled this is to create a rain effect,finale a power head (Tota) returns the water back to the Tank,I split the return water flow in two half going to the front of the tank and the other half to down to the bottom of the tank with a spray bar to push the water through the live rock. At the back of the tank is a Queen Turbo Skimmer with a power head attached. New addition was a TECO chiller.
Research on the net and books or DVDs and get Advice from aquarium shops. A good DVD is an Australian DVD Called Marine Aquarium Guide by Paul Talbot, this DVD will help you alot it did for me.
Fish Kept:
1 x Bicolor Angel
1 x Fuzzy Dwarf Lion Fish
1 x Sailfin Tang
2 x ocellaris clown fish
1 x Two-spot Bristletooth Tang
2 x Bicolor Blennys
1 x Black Saddle Pufferfish
1 x Banana Wrasse
1 x Ritteri Anemone
many Different types
Tank Size:
60 gallons
Never Give Up.