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The Average Score for this picture is: 3.83
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
Standard 75g tank (about 48" x 18" x 21"), semi-planted.
Current inhabitants: various bichirs, a young clown knife, Lima Shovelnose, Spiny Monster Pleco (L 160), and two pictus cats.
Filtration: Magnum 350 Pro (canister), supplemental sponge filtration, plants to help the bio-load.
Heating: 84 degrees F
Substrate: Various sizes of pebbles, river rocks, and java moss.
Lighting: Dual 32W fluorescent tubes.
Decor: Various artificial plants, three pieces of driftwood, aponogeneton, misc. floating plants.
Thoroughly research everything before building your new setup---it really pays off.
Fish Kept:
Polypterus senegalus senegalus 11"
P. senegalus 7"
P. ornatipinnis 6"
P. delhezi 8"
P. bichir apradei 12"
Chitala chitala 9"
Sorubim lima 7"
Pseudocanthius spinosus 4"
Pimelodus pictus 4"
P. pictus 3"
Primarily artificial plants, although there is aponogeneton, java moss, and some floating plants.
Tank Size:
75 gallons
All flowers, in time, bend towards the sun. ---Jeff Buckley
About Yourself:
it's a great place to meet other enthusiasts---I'm on there all the time :)