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The Average Score for this category is: 5.47
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4ft planted tank with Seachem flourite substrate and 3x 30 watt AquaRay Gro-Beam 1000 Natural Daylight LED light tiles. No CO2 injection at the moment but I'm dosing Seachem Flourish daily.
Just try it.
Fish Kept:
9x White clouds, 7x Neons, 1x Siamese Algae Eater, 6x Rummy nose Tetras, 6x Priscilla Tetras, 1x pair of pearl gouramis, 1x pair of German blue rams, 3x kuhli loaches, 5x leopard corydoras
Java moss, peacock moss, crypts, lace fern, temple plant, wisteria, penny wort, some kind of sword, Vallisneria, banana lilies, anubias and a red tiger lotus
Tank Size:
58 gallons