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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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New York
United States
110 gallon Fresh water tank with a fluval 405 filter system,live plants .one air stone blackrocks,.tank has been up since dec 07 many fish from original 35 hex that are over 4 years old.
Take all that you hear and use your best judgement, I have learned many things by trial and error, most of all enjoy !!!sometimes its not your fault when a fish croaks its just the nature of the beast.
Fish Kept:
Koi angels,, red tail shark , ,lemon tetra ,buenous teri tetra,kribensous ciclid, blue ram, gold ram, zebra danios, bleeding hearts, gold placastomous, neons, blue danios,black mollies, elephant nose,gold gouramis,neons,clown loach , kuhli loach
Tank with new lighting GLO double light high output Linear florecent lighting system. blue light also for night time. live plants doing much better.
Tank Size:
110 gallons
enjoy the small things in life,take time to smell the roses.look at life through the eye of a child.
About Yourself:
I have always loved aqauariums I had a 35 hex I borrowed from a friend and then after a few years i wanted to get a lorger tank. Not expecting to get so large we figured why gradully go bigger so we went to the 110 gallon.its better than watching tv