Photo #1 - Taken On 8/24/09 Recently Did The Annual Clean...

taken on 8/24/09 Recently did the annual clean and since home depot no longer has the sand i used when starting the tank last yr i decided to go for the half&half look for the sake of a thicker substrate bed, i think it came out nice. I also rearranged everything and placed my plants in bunches as opposed to ...
Submitted By: N2LYJ2 on
Photo Caption: taken on 8/24/09 Recently did the annual clean and since home depot no longer has the sand i used when starting the tank last yr i decided to go for the half&half look for the sake of a thicker substrate bed, i think it came out nice. I also rearranged everything and placed my plants in bunches as opposed to just along the sides and i think it makes it seem a bit more full. also added in 2 mondo grass which seem to have taken well. backdrop is now also gone for now, i seem to like being able to look through to the wall i guess

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55 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - taken on 8/24/09 Recently did the annual clean and since home depot no longer has the sand i used when starting the tank last yr i decided to go for the half&half look for the sake of a thicker substrate bed, i think it came out nice. I also rearranged everything and placed my plants in bunches as opposed to just along the sides and i think it makes it seem a bit more full. also added in 2 mondo grass which seem to have taken well. backdrop is now also gone for now, i seem to like being able to look through to the wall i guess
55 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - Tank as of July 7th '08
fish tank picture - 55 Gal Taken on 7/1/2008

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Ranked #3654 out of 5263 freshwater tanks pictures worldwide
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13

More Info

State: New York
Country: United States
Description: Started in July '08 Tank Specs Filter- Whisper 60 Heater- All Glass Aquariums 200W Lighting- 2 15W Strips Aeration- Hagen Elite Maxima with a 8" Marineland bubble wall and 2 1" stones in the top-back corners
Advice: Be patient and do your research if it is your first time starting a fish tank or trying something new
Fish Kept: 3 Opaline gouramis, a small group of neons, 5 assrt platies, 3 buenos aires tetras, 2 tiger barbs, 2 black long skirt tetras and a group of about 20 ghost shrimp more to come, a lot of my fish had reached that old age and past on
Corals/Plants: a lutea and 2 mondo grass, the rest are all fake
Tank Size: 55 gallons
About Yourself: My father had a 29gal running since before i was born, i took to the hobby, i got my hands on 2 small 5gal in my room and recently remodeled my room and wanted an upgrade to a larger tank about myself, im just your friendly flying cowboy, or in other words a cowboy turned pilot


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