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This picture looks better than 77.87% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.27
This picture has been rated : 11 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.59
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United States
144 Gallon Half-circle from Oceanic Systems with dual built in overflows. 35 gallon refugium with a in-sump protein skimmer. Current Outer orbit light with 2-150w halides and 4-34" t5's 9 Moon light white led's and 9 Nocturnal blue led's
Enjoy it. Go one step above what you think you need. Better to have equipment that will do a better job than you need rather not good enough.
Fish Kept:
Scissor Tail Goby (1), Lyre Tail Anthias (2 female, 1 male), Majestic Foxface, Scribbled Rabbitfish (4), Sailfin tang, Coral Beauty Dwarf Angel, Purple Lobster, Blue Spot Watchman Goby, Percula Clown (2), Black Ocellaris Clown (2), Marine Betta, Black Long-spine Urchin, Royal Tuxedo Urchin, Purple Linkia Star fish, Orange Linkia Star fish, Gold Rim Tang, Cleaner Wrasse, Sand-sifting stars (2), Hermits (?), Astrea snails (?), Mexican Turbo Snails (?).
Small plate coral, Blue ridge coral, Xenia, Pineapple Coral, Purple Fan, Large frogspawn, Large Hammerhead, Metallic green star polyp colony, Sun Polyps, 2 clams, Rose Bubble-tip anemone, Blueberry Gregonian, Green polyp Toadstool Leather, approx. 20 small Uma Mushrooms.
Tank Size:
144 gallons