Photo #4 - Red Oscar Aka Soul Sister Red Trying To Cummunic...

freshwater fish - astronotus ocellatus - red oscar stocking in 90 gallons tank - Red Oscar aka Soul Sister Red trying to cummunicate telepathicly
freshwater fish - aequidens rivulatus - green terror stocking in 90 gallons tank - Green Terror aka Yellow Fin Cruising around in all his finery, yellow Fin takes a moment to make sure all is clear
Red Oscar aka Soul Sister Red trying to cummunicate telepathicly
Submitted By: pauly on
Photo Caption: Red Oscar aka Soul Sister Red trying to cummunicate telepathicly

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freshwater fish - herichthys cynoguttatus - texas cichlid stocking in 90 gallons tank - Texas Cichlid Herichthys Cyanoguttatum aka Jack The Mexicutioner Don't be fooled by this inoscent pose. This fish has a mean, moody, and nasty disposition similar to my girlfriend. He is around 5 inches long and is the absolute ruler of my tank for now. As he goes so does the tank, although he won't mess with my knife fish or my pleco which is a good thing : ]
freshwater fish - nandopsis octofasciatum - jack dempsey stocking in 90 gallons tank - Jack Dempsey aka Mayan Jewel Still a juvenile but is becoming a bit more assertive and territorial
freshwater fish - nandopsis octofasciatum - jack dempsey stocking in 90 gallons tank - Jack Dempsey aka Aztec Warrior
freshwater fish - astronotus ocellatus - red oscar stocking in 90 gallons tank - Red Oscar aka Soul Sister Red trying to cummunicate telepathicly
freshwater fish - aequidens rivulatus - green terror stocking in 90 gallons tank - Green Terror aka Yellow Fin Cruising around in all his finery, yellow Fin takes a moment to make sure all is clear
freshwater fish - herichthys cynoguttatus - texas cichlid stocking in 90 gallons tank - Texas Cichlid aka Jack The Mexicutioner Nasty Jack on the patrol looking for the next fight to get into, he is missing his black leather jacket and harley davidson
freshwater fish - astronotus ocellatus - red oscar stocking in 90 gallons tank - Red Oscar aka Soul Sister Red Up close and peronal Soul Sister Red takes a closer look for some eye candy
freshwater fish - archocentrus nigrofasciatus - black convict cichlid stocking in 90 gallons tank - Convict Cichlid aka Lee This is my boy Lee. He will run his mouth and argue with anyone, but is quick and nibble enough to scurry away when the heat comes on.
freshwater fish - glyptoperichthys gibbiceps - sailfin pleco (l-83) stocking in 90 gallons tank - Picostumus Pleco aka Picasso This fish is almost 12 inches long and does his thing by cleaning the algae of the tank. He loves cucumbers, tends to be nocturnal and rules the night along with my knife fish. He does not mess with any of the other fishes and will not tolerate being messed with.
freshwater fish - astronotus ocellatus - tiger oscar stocking in 90 gallons tank - Tiger Oscar aka Soul Sister Little Tiger This fish does what my other 2 oscars do and follows them where they go, and is the least dominant of my 3 oscars.
freshwater fish - astronotus ocellatus - tiger oscar stocking in 90 gallons tank - Tiger Oscar aka Soul Sister Big Tiger This fish is second in the tank hierarchy and has the battle scars to prove it. She is also the leader among my 3 oscars. She leads the other oscars in unique swimming rituals. By swimming in unison up and then float down the tank. Has her own personality.
freshwater fish - nandopsis octofasciatum - jack dempsey stocking in 90 gallons tank - Jack Dempsey aka Aztec Warrior This fish is around 3 months old and is already starting to show some of his true colors. He gets challenged by some of his other tank mates thus I predict his wonderful colors will only become more pronounced as he gets older. When he is upset his colors become brighter.
freshwater fish - aequidens rivulatus - green terror stocking in 90 gallons tank - Green Terror aka Yellow Fin When I first got this fish it appeared to have gotten into some scuffles at the pet store because part of its tail fin was chewed off and had scales missing. I nursed him back to good health and vigor and has recovered as you can see. He now does a little bullying to some of his other tank mates.
freshwater fish - nandopsis octofasciatum - jack dempsey stocking in 90 gallons tank - Jack Dempsey aka Mayan Jewel This photo makes Mayan Jewel look more blue than he really is. The light reflection of the camera and aquarium made this juvenile's spackles very reflective and defined. Unfortunatley he is at the bottom of the tank hierarchy but I predict that someday he will be one of the fishes running the show.
freshwater fish - astronotus ocellatus - red oscar stocking in 90 gallons tank - Red Oscar aka Soul Sister Red. This fish is loyal and adorable. For confidence and protection she cruises around with her 2 other soul sisters and is second in command among them.

Rank Info

Ranked #4049 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 45.97% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 4.2
This picture has been rated : 25 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01

More Info

State: Ohio
Country: United States
Description: flourecent lighting, marineland magnum 350 canister filter, aquaclear 110 power filter, 300 watt shater proof heater, dual air motors, 4 airstone air outlets
Advice: 20% weekly water change is strongly recomended. If you have medium sized and bigger colorful cichlids feed them treats like krill, brine shrimp, crickets, and feeder fish. The high carotine in these foods will really bring out their natural color.
Fish Kept: oscar's, jack demsey's, green terror, convict ciclid, texas ciclid, clown knife, picostumus,
Corals/Plants: variety fake plants
Tank Size: 90 gallons
Quote: Joey sleeps with the fishes, so don't forget the canoli
About Yourself: Going through life with a sense of humor is easier than one with out it


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