Photo #1 - My Colt 3, Hippocampus Erectus

Submitted By: Rae on
Photo Caption: My Colt 3, Hippocampus Erectus

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saltwater fish - hippocampus erectus - black seahorse stocking in 30 gallons tank - My Colt 3, Hippocampus Erectus
saltwater fish - hippocampus erectus - black seahorse stocking in 30 gallons tank - Colt is going for a little ride on the hydrometer. Critter is watching in disbelief.
saltwater fish - hippocampus erectus - black seahorse stocking in 30 gallons tank - My horses staring down their food (live Ghost Shrimp) I swear that goes on for at least 5 minutes, sometimes 15 minutes before they eat it. It's beyond me why the shrimp always just stares back at them instead of running. haha.
saltwater fish - hippocampus erectus - black seahorse stocking in 30 gallons tank - I was scraping off the algae on the front of my tank with a toothbrush. This is why I'm called the Sea horse whisperer. I can't do anything in my tank without them coming to hitch on my hand. They were sold to me as tank raised, but I think they are wild caught because they only take live food.. That makes it even more puzzling as to why they would want to hitch on me . haha.
saltwater fish - amphiprion percula - true percula clownfish stocking in 30 gallons tank - My False Percula Clown, Critter
saltwater fish - hippocampus erectus - black seahorse stocking in 30 gallons tank - This is my male horse, Colt hitched on to his favorite thing ever, the Gorgonian
saltwater fish - hippocampus erectus - black seahorse stocking in 30 gallons tank - My female horse, Cookie (Short for 'Tough Cookie'- That she is!) with Mr.Narwhal in the background
saltwater fish - nemateleotris magnifica - firefish stocking in 30 gallons tank - My tank, of course I can't get everyone to stay still at once, so excuse the poor quality. ;)

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Ranked #166 out of 1581 saltwater fish pictures worldwide
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The Average Score for this category is: 2.47

More Info

State: Pennsylvania
Country: United States
Description: 30 Gallon All Glass Aquarium, Visi-Jet Protein Skimmer, 48W 30 in. 10,000 K/ 6,400 nm Nova Extreme T5 HO Light, Large Tetra Whisper Filter, 25 Pounds of live rock, Black Sand (Don't remember how much)
Advice: Do your research! This is an incredibly rewarding hobby but if you don't know what you're doing, it also becomes a very expensive and stressful one.
Fish Kept: 1 Mated Pair Lined Seahorses (Hippocampus Erectus) 1 False Percula Clown 1 Firefish Goby 3 Nerite Snails
Corals/Plants: 1 Yellow Sea Whip Gorgonian 1 Colony of Zooanthids Green Star Polyps 3 Fake Corals :( The horses needed more hitching posts! I'm hoping to replace them when I can afford more real coral.
Tank Size: 30 gallons
Quote: Here we go Steelers!
About Yourself: I'm a commuting college student in Pittsburgh. This is my first saltwater tank (Started 1/8/09) , but definitely not my first fish tank. I decided to make the switch because my fiance is currently serving in Iraq and I needed something to keep me busy. These fish have certainly done the trick, and have also cheered me up more than anything. I spend hours on end in front of this tank.


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