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The Average Score for this picture is: 3.2
This picture has been rated : 10 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.59
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New York
United States
24 gallon Aquapod with 150 watt 14,000k MH sunpod with 2 Current USA Powerbrite strips (460 nm) and Hydor Koralia 1 for circulation. 20lbs of Aragonite live sand, i dose B-ionic Calcium and Alkalinity and do 10% water changes weekly, no protein skimmer...
be extra careful, and water changes are very important for healthy corals
Fish Kept:
a pair of percula clowns, green mandarin, firefish and a sand sifting starfish
neon green acropora, red montipora, red/blue birdsnest, purple tipped green acropora, orange, blue, pink, green and red zoas, pink pallys, blue/green favia brain, blue clocea clam, green candy cane coral, green button polyps, green fuzzy mushrooms
Tank Size:
24 gallons